Le Citadelle
21, avenue des Hirondelles 74000 Annecy
T. +33 (0)6 02 17 44 56
M. contact@realitem.fr |
Thursday 22 October 2009
Inauguration of the Observer of Design 10 at the Cité
des Sciences et de l’Industrie (Paris)
The Elo range will be on show from 22 October until
21 February.
For 6 months beginning on 1 October 2009
Realitem will be exhibiting at the Cité du
Design in St Etienne.
The Elo range will be seen in the display window of
the Matériauthèque (Platine building).
Transfer, Materials and Uses Exhibition
June 2009
Realitem is awarded the Observer of Design 10 label for
its Elo switching material by APCI (Agency for the Promotion
of Industrial Creation).